RIS to Mendeley
Bibliographic records in RIS format can be converted to Mendeley references:
const {toMendeley} = require('@customcommander/ris');
TI - Mission to the Moon
AU - Armstrong, Neil
DA - 1969/07/20
ER -
//=> [{ type: 'journal'
//=> , authors: [{last_name: 'Armstrong', first_name: 'Neil'}]
//=> , accessed: '1969-07-20'
//=> , title: 'Mission to the Moon' }]
Conversion Table
The following table shows which RIS fields are supported by the Mendeley Reference Manager.
RIS Type | RIS Entry | Mendeley |
any | A1 | authors |
any | A2 | editors |
any | A3 | authors |
any | A4 | authors |
any | AB | abstract |
any | AN | identifiers.pmid |
any | AU | authors |
PAT | C6 | patent_legal_status |
any | CY | city |
any | DA | accessed |
any | DO | identifiers.doi |
any | ET | edition |
any | IS | issue |
any | KW | keywords |
any | L1 | websites |
any | L4 | websites |
any | LA | language |
any | LB | tags |
PAT | M1 | patent_application_number |
any | N1 | notes |
any | PB | publisher |
any | PY | year |
any | RN | notes |
any | SE | chapter |
any | SN | identifiers.isbn |
JFULL | SN | identifiers.issn |
JOUR | SN | identifiers.issn |
any | SP | pages |
any | ST | short_title |
any | T2 | source |
any | T3 | series |
any | TA | authors |
any | TI | title |
BILL | TY | type (as bill) |
BOOK | TY | type (as book) |
CASE | TY | type (as case) |
CHAP | TY | type (as book_section) |
COMP | TY | type (as computer_program) |
CONF | TY | type (as conference_proceedings) |
ENCYC | TY | type (as encyclopedia_article) |
GEN | TY | type (as generic) |
HEAR | TY | type (as hearing) |
ICOMM | TY | type (as web_page) |
JFULL | TY | type (as journal) |
JOUR | TY | type (as journal) |
MGZN | TY | type (as magazine_article) |
MPCT | TY | type (as film) |
NEWS | TY | type (as newspaper_article) |
PAT | TY | type (as patent) |
RPRT | TY | type (as report) |
STAT | TY | type (as statute) |
THES | TY | type (as thesis) |
UNPB | TY | type (as working_paper) |
others | TY | type (as generic) |
any | UR | websites |
any | VL | volume |
RPRT | VL | series_number |
Each Mendeley reference is validated before it is returned so toMendeley
can return an empty array.
If the RIS content cannot be parsed toMendeley
returns null
Mendeley to RIS
It is also possible to generate RIS records from Mendeley references: (using the above table)
fromMendeley([{ type: 'journal'
, title: 'Moon 69'
, year: 1969
, authors: [{last_name: 'Armstrong', first_name: 'Neil'}]
, identifiers: {doi: 'doi/123'}}]);
//=> TY - JOUR
//=> TI - Moon 69
//=> PY - 1969
//=> AU - Armstrong, Neil
//=> DO - doi/123
//=> ER -
The fromMendeley
returns null if the input is not an array or if all elements are not valid Mendeley references. Otherwise invalid elements are ignored.