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RIS to Mendeley

Bibliographic records in RIS format can be converted to Mendeley references:

const {toMendeley} = require('@customcommander/ris');

TI  - Mission to the Moon
AU  - Armstrong, Neil
DA  - 1969/07/20
ER  - 

//=> [{ type: 'journal'
//=>  , authors: [{last_name: 'Armstrong', first_name: 'Neil'}]
//=>  , accessed: '1969-07-20'
//=>  , title: 'Mission to the Moon' }]

Conversion Table

The following table shows which RIS fields are supported by the Mendeley Reference Manager.

RIS Type RIS Entry Mendeley
any A1 authors
any A2 editors
any A3 authors
any A4 authors
any AB abstract
any AN identifiers.pmid
any AU authors
PAT C6 patent_legal_status
any CY city
any DA accessed
any DO identifiers.doi
any ET edition
any IS issue
any KW keywords
any L1 websites
any L4 websites
any LA language
any LB tags
PAT M1 patent_application_number
any N1 notes
any PB publisher
any PY year
any RN notes
any SE chapter
any SN identifiers.isbn
JFULL SN identifiers.issn
JOUR SN identifiers.issn
any SP pages
any ST short_title
any T2 source
any T3 series
any TA authors
any TI title
BILL TY type (as bill)
BOOK TY type (as book)
CASE TY type (as case)
CHAP TY type (as book_section)
COMP TY type (as computer_program)
CONF TY type (as conference_proceedings)
ENCYC TY type (as encyclopedia_article)
GEN TY type (as generic)
HEAR TY type (as hearing)
ICOMM TY type (as web_page)
JFULL TY type (as journal)
JOUR TY type (as journal)
MGZN TY type (as magazine_article)
MPCT TY type (as film)
NEWS TY type (as newspaper_article)
PAT TY type (as patent)
RPRT TY type (as report)
STAT TY type (as statute)
THES TY type (as thesis)
UNPB TY type (as working_paper)
others TY type (as generic)
any UR websites
any VL volume
RPRT VL series_number


Each Mendeley reference is validated before it is returned so toMendeley can return an empty array.

If the RIS content cannot be parsed toMendeley returns null.

Mendeley to RIS

It is also possible to generate RIS records from Mendeley references: (using the above table)

fromMendeley([{ type: 'journal'
              , title: 'Moon 69'
              , year: 1969
              , authors: [{last_name: 'Armstrong', first_name: 'Neil'}]
              , identifiers: {doi: 'doi/123'}}]);

//=> TY  - JOUR
//=> TI  - Moon 69
//=> PY  - 1969
//=> AU  - Armstrong, Neil
//=> DO  - doi/123
//=> ER  - 


The fromMendeley returns null if the input is not an array or if all elements are not valid Mendeley references. Otherwise invalid elements are ignored.